To Archive Tiktok Videos is better than deleting files as it helps you retain the link juice and other social currency gained previously. See the benefits of not deleting but archiving them
Once your content is published, you may decide whether to archive it or delete it from the TikTok servers.
But what if you wanted to modify sections of a certain video before it was shown to the audience? Would you still want to do that?
Or perhaps you want to take down a TikTok video from your account for a few days, but then you want to put it back online later.

How to Archive TikTok Videos

Or perhaps you want to free up some space since video drafts are using up a lot of your device’s memory and slowing it down.
To prevent other people from accessing the media content, you will either need to modify the settings (more on this later) or completely remove that particular file.
But as a TikToker, erasing content is not the best course of action for you.

Why you should not delete TikTok videos

Deleting TikTok videos is not the ideal thing to do rather archiving them is a better alternative.

Probably twelve years ago, when Messi was a talented footballer, you created your support page for him; however, it is only now that the page is gaining popularity.

It’s possible that a video that isn’t performing well on TikTok is only acting as a gateway to other videos on your page. Its deletion can result in less traffic to your other videos.

Your overall likes will decline. Every like counts, no matter how few. 50 videos that were receiving 10 or 20 likes each would be deleted, costing you 500 to 1000 likes on your page.
Most significantly, when you delete a media file, it changes your page algorithm and performance data on TikTok.

When you publish a video, TikTok keeps track of its performance data to suggest your subsequent videos to the appropriate audience.

This information is destroyed along with the video if you delete it from your page. As a result, TikTok won’t be able to direct viewers to some of your other videos.

The easiest way to gain (or at least retain) traction for your TikTok handle and avoid negatively influencing its performance data is to keep your movies stored rather than removing them.

3 Best Ways to Archive TikTok Videos

Your TikTok videos can be archived in three distinct ways. Setting the app’s privacy option to “only me” will make it simple for you to keep your files and media private.

1. Setting the TikTok privacy to “only me”

Changing your videos’ privacy settings is the best way to archive them. Performance metrics or like count are unaffected because the archived video is still available on your TikTok page.

Simply keeping it secret will allow you to alter or edit the file as necessary. You can make it live once you’re done. This is comparable to a performer returning to the stage after changing into a new costume.

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to set TikTok Videos to “only me”:

  • Activate the TikTok app.
  • Log in
  • On your screen, click the silhouette icon (user/person) in the lower right corner.
  • Choose the movie you want to save.
  • The three dots at the bottom should be clicked to bring up a conversation window.
  • After selecting “Privacy Settings,” select “Who can watch the video.”
  • Select “Only me”
  • The video is now only visible to you.
How-to-Save-TikTok-Videos-only me option

Follow the same guidelines, with the exception of the last step, where you must now uncheck the “Only me” option after making the appropriate changes to your media file or whenever you decide to make it public again.

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2. Taking a Backup of your TikTok media file

If the first approach does not work for you for any reason, you may always make a backup of your videos and remove them from the TikTok app.

However, as doing so will also remove all of the video’s associated data from the TikTok servers, we do not advise doing this. Additionally, the servers will see the changed video as a new media file when you re-upload it.

Additionally, no matter what device (phone, tab, laptop, or PC) you decide to use for the backup, TikTok files will use up a lot of capacity on that device. The TikTok app does allow you to save your media files directly to your device, which is a plus.

Note: We do not recommend this process due to the reasons given above but if you wish to, go ahead

The procedure is outlined in detail below will guide you through. Just first activate the TikTok app.

  • On your screen, click the silhouette icon (user/person) in the lower right corner.
  • Choose the video you want to save.
  • The three dots at the bottom can be clicked to bring up a dialogue box-like pop-up.
  • Select “Save Video”

Your device will download the file as a result of the action. After choosing the video and hitting the three dots, do these extra steps to remove the file from the app. Hitting delete will remove the file from the application

Recall that neither the first nor the second method is true archiving. The file’s size and format are the same for both ways.

The file is saved in the TikTok cloud servers using method one, and it is copied to your device using method two. With either approach, nobody other than you can see the video, view it, comment on it, like it, or share it.

3. Using Web Archiving Services to Archive TikTok Videos

There are a few web archiving providers that will securely backup your data and all related files. The best and most popular way for TikTokers to build a “head account” with hundreds of videos that receive 10,000+ views is using this strategy.

Even when the TikTok servers are offline, they can still access and change their files thanks to this. Among them is archive-it.

As with any other seed site, “Archive-It partners may archive TikTok posts, accounts, topic feeds, and their associated media.” You must sign up for their services in order to use their archiving options.

You can check out Archieve-it to find out how to save your TikTok videos and access them later.

Paying subscription fees to services like these, however, will be an expensive expenditure if your videos don’t get a lot of views or if you have a mid-tier account on TikTok.

Then you ought to use the first two techniques mentioned previously in the article.

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